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Find out how we can help you grow your business through Social Media and a combination of marketing strategies integrated with your sales process.

Who will be managing my account?

Your account will be managed by one of our account managers who will collaborate with you or your staff on a weekly basis providing reports, updates and assessments of your social media accounts.

What is your on-boarding process?

As part of our on-boarding process we conduct an initial discovery phase where our team and key staff will meet with you and your team, discuss your business and audit your current marketing strategies.

Once we have collected sufficient information we will prepare all the necessary paper work and MOUs with clearly outlined processes, deliverables, expectations and mutual obligations.

We will also provide ad hoc training for your team in order to work on a level platform and understand our business tools.

How do you curate content?

We curate content in two different ways; organic and researched.

Organic content will be all the original content which is prepared for your business. This includes, copy written for your business only, graphics and artwork of your business deliverables, video and visual content; and photography of your products, services, locations, events etc.

Researched content will be all the content that is generic to your industry and used to increase engagement and search engine discovery. This content will be outsourced or researched based on general information.